
  1. The Active Image

    2024-08-21 09:24:16 UTC
    Seven images from my ‘Dark Temese’ series have been selected for a stellar group exhibition ‘The Active Image - Political Ecologies & Photographic Agency’ at Create Gallery, Spike Island in Bristol. Private View September the 5th 6-9pm. The exhibition continues until 26th of September. If you are in the area…

  2. Cyanotype toning with plants w o r k s h o p

    2024-06-10 19:49:43 UTC
    I’ll be joining the good people of @sustainabledarkroom in September during their annual in-person workshop week. The program is happening in London this year @setsetsetsetsetset as well as one day at Hornsey Rise Gardens, where you will find me teaching~Cyanotypes & Botanical Toning: Growing, Harvesting, Making. We’ll be starting from…

  3. GROUNDED’ group exhibition in Wirksworth

    2024-05-30 12:52:58 UTC
    I am thrilled to have been asked to be part of this stellar group exhibition at Gallery M.I in Wirksworth over the summer months. Curator/photographer Kate Bellis brings together artists: @melaniekatking @katelearmouth @lianelangstudio @bernie_rutter @sallymatthewsanimals @feralpractice @anna.lukala @katebellisphoto - to share narratives inspired by the human and the non-human entanglements…

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